SaFire was featured in the Six Minutes Blog in appreciation for the message shared in her recent video “Love the Process”. Six Minutes is a blog about public speaking and…
Tag: saffire
“There are many large publications that publish an annual Women of the Year list and I’m always disappointed when I see the lists populated with female celebrities and women who…
After her half hour fire performance for the Wainwright firefighter’s gala, SaFire was featured on the front page of The Wainwright EDGE
I had a great time this year provide Halloween Party Entertainment at the PNE’s Fright Nights festivities in Vancouver. The event runs for two weeks at the end of October….
SaFire flew home to visit family for Thanksgiving Holidays and receive appreciation from WestJet when she entertained guests in the terminal. Her flight was delayed and to kill the time…
If you have questions regarding a show please e-mail This page was created to help you find your answer faster and includes common frequently asked questions regarding Safire, hoop…