Meet Safire
Sandra ‘Safire’ Sommerville is a world-renowned circus performer and motivational speaker. She has performed in 16 different countries and has appeared in dozens of television spots, magazines, newspapers, blogs and more. Over 4 million people have seen her hoop dance videos. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Lethbridge and uses her experience as an educator to engage students in her workshops and school presentations so that they don’t even realize they are learning while they are having fun.
With her first hand experience of childhood bullying, confidence issues and self-doubt, Safire shares with her audience what it took for her to believe in herself.
Safire Quick Facts
• World renowned circus performer, performed in 14 countries
• B. Ed. degree, uses educator skills to engage & impact students
• Circus skills amaze & delight students so they listen to her message
• Female role model, personal stories about self-esteem & confidence
• Encourages students to love themselves and express themselves
• Themes: Bullying, Self-Esteem & Confidence, Leadership, Peer Pressure, Physical Literacy/Fitness, Science, Circus & Hoop Workshops
Safire: 'Anti-Bullying & Kindness' Show
One of the hardest things that youth deal with today is understanding their place in the world, knowing who they are, and having the confidence to stand up for the themselves. Safire’s comedy-variety-circus show features an amazing display of circus arts to grab students’ attention and allow her to share her message about finding joy and passion in one’s life
Times are even harder these days when students face negative experiences not only in the school yard but also through inappropriate e-mails, texts, and online social media interactions. Safire addresses the issues of bullying, peer pressure, self-esteem and self-love — helping young students recognize the importance of believing in oneself.
Feel free to let us know in advance any additional issues your school is dealing with and she can try to work those into her message to your students.
Grade Suitability: K–12
Duration: 45 mins.
Safire: 'Science in the Circus' Show
Did you know that science has changed the world we live in? It’s also dramatically changed the circus! In this presentation students will learn about how subjects like science, technology, and design have affected the acts performed in contemporary circus. A fun filled variety circus show that ends with an LED dance show will get kids thinking differently about what math, science, and engineering means.
This presentation contains different circus skills, tricks, and audience participation than her Motivational Circus Show.
Grade Suitability: K–12
Duration: 50 mins.